When is the shoppers viewpoint when they turn down an aisle in store x for retailer y? How do you as a brand or retailer made it easy to find your product?
My point, How can we get the Shopper to Navigate to the right..
- Department
- Aisle
- Category
- Brand
- Product/Item
Possible Solutions
- Improve Department/Aisle Navigation –> Signage
- Aisle Management –> Optimize Center store complementary categories near/adjacent to each other
- Endcap Relocation –> Coordinated endcaps as Aisle indicators
- Shelf Management –> Break up the monotony on the shelf,
- Item/Brand management –> Is your strategy Breadth or Depth of assortment.
All of these things are what a Category Captain / Advisor should be doing for you and your teams consistently, starting with Strategy, Execution, Review, and Refresh.
When, people ask what do your Do? This is what a Category Advisor should be thinking about and Doing?
Getting your Shopper from a 50,000 foot look to honing down to the Last 5 Feet is the Goal & Key to success.
If you’re looking for advice, consulting, or just a discussion to help your shoppers to Convert, Buy More, and Repeat. Reach out to our contact page and we can help you out
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