An inventory of surfboards in a small secluded room. A comparison to Category Managers

Inventory management and the search for a Category Manager – “We need a bigger boat.”

Now, let’s tackle the real question: Do I have too much inventory, or do I need more space? What is the need for a Category Manager to help drive my business?

I couldn’t resist borrowing a quote from “Jaws” – a shoutout to Steven Spielberg for the memorable line that supposedly wasn’t in the script.

what would a Category Manager analyze:

📈 Market Trends: What do they say?

⛱ Seasonality: Is this a high season for surfboards?

🚀 Space to Sales: How is your space allocation performing?

📊 Segment/Brand Analysis: Which segments/brands are thriving and which aren’t?

Granted, this may not be a real-life example, but you get the idea.

what would A Category Manager deliver:

🔑 Historical data: POS sales, shopper trends, and market insights.

🔑 Assortment Analysis: Identifying winning and losing segments/brands.

🔑 Space Analysis: Adjusting space allocation based on the above analysis.

🔑 Category Merchandising Strategy: Optimizing assortment and space. If a category needs more space, what adjacent areas can be reduced?

🔑 Category Promotion Strategy: Developing promotions that align with seasonality and maximize current inventory levels.

my take on Category Managers

In this example, I can’t add another surfboard or expand the bathroom where they’re shelved.

Thus, my inventory levels remain constant throughout the seasons. However, long boards see more use in the summer, while short boards are popular in the winter/spring.

Let’s discuss your current inventory, assortment, and shelf conditions. Are your products flying off the shelves this summer, experiencing fluctuations, or facing out-of-stock situations?

Analyzing your current situation today and providing solutions for tomorrow is what we do at Catman Analytic Group. If you need assistance in this area for the upcoming fall, spring, or summer seasons, send me a message.

Follow me for more thoughts, insights, and tidbits on developing category strategies and solutions.





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